PERTH waldorf school - Bibra lake
The need for imagination, a sense of truth and a feeling of responsibility – these are the forces which are the very nerve of education. Rudolf Steiner.
Steiner education is holistic – academic, artistic and social aspects are treated as complementary facets of a single program of learning – “head, heart and hands”.
The Perth Waldorf School is a Steiner school located on 7 acres of bushland in Bibra Lake. The design was predicated upon creating a child focussed environment in accord with Steiner principles whilst maintaining the beauty and serenity of the existing bushland. Natural topography and all significant trees have been preserved. Buildings are grouped to create nurturing spaces integrated within the bushland setting.
The school provides kindergarten, pre-primary, primary and secondary education with distinct separation, physically and aesthetically, from group to group. Buildings are designed to relate to the physical and intellectual development of the children as they grow – each classroom is subtly unique.
A common design language of rammed earth, weatherboard and iron links the buildings in a continuum. Small and large gathering spaces provide for exploration and imaginative play and children are encouraged to produce creative work in classrooms, workshops and gardens.